Welcome to SMASH Worldwide.

You've probably arrived here because you are fed up feeling like rubbish.  

You are most likely in your late 30s, mid 40s and you are sick of dieting, worried about perimenopause, your joints are starting to ache, your skin in starting to dull and wrinkles form, and you are not looking forward to the ageing process. You hate what you see in the mirror and have totally fallen out of love with everything.

I am so glad you are here, because I am here to say, you can put that all behind you. 

Living life The SMASH Way will give you back hope that everything is going to be alright.  

I know what it feels like to be where you are right now. I've been there and it's horrible. But worry no more.

I am here to guide you through the complex nature of living a healthy lifestyle in a way that you are going to be able to understand and more to the point, you are going to get the amazing results that you deserve.

You will lose body fat, you will have more energy and all those niggles will just disappear.😍

You will feel amazing!!

Living life The SMASH Way is so much more than a diet. It is the most comprehensive way to long term health and weight management. It is the healthiest way to lose weight and the most enjoyable too.

So let's start your journey towards falling in love with food and yourself again as I take you down the road to smashing it!!

Available Products

SMASH 10 Free Recipes

10 Free Recipes

Find out how easy it is to cook The SMASH Way by downloading this taster guide with 10 FREE Recipes.

These recipes are absolutely delicious. They include the famous SMASH Chilli Jam - everyone loves it, and even chicken goujons for children that are so easy to make.

Busy Mums have been kept in mind whilst creating these delicious meals and this means that you won't have to spend hours in the kitchen to enjoy tasty healthy meals.

Happy Cooking.


The SMASH Way of Life

Living a healthy lifestyle should be easy and accessible to all women and that's why I am giving women the opportunity to have access to ALL of the documents in the SMASH Academy for a fraction of the price of what they are worth.

My mission is to help as many women as possible live a healthier life and know that they can do so with the power of SMASH. 

By living life The SMASH Way you will lose weight, have more energy, sleep better, have better skin, have balanced hormones and so much more.

Get ready to SMASH it!

Let's SMASH it Course

Your Health Jigsaw

Our health is the most important thing in our life.  If we don't have our health, we really don't have anything.

This is one of the reasons for the SMASH Academy 8 Week Course. If you are currently feeling "bleugh" and want to feel fabulous this is the course for you.  This course will help you put the pieces of your health jigsaw back together again so you can feel amazing and help educate you on the "whys" behind healthy eating as well.

Many people do this course initially wanting to just lose some weight, but what they gain in the long run is their health back.

They knowledge gained from taking this course is worth thousands.

The SMASH Masterplan


This is the best way to reboot your body - The SMASH MASTERPLAN 28 day Reset and ongoing programme. 

The Masterplan is a fabulous system that can be used to reboot your body so you can stop sugar cravings, balance your hormones and release unwanted body fat. 

The average women taking part in the 28 day Reboot can lose between 10-14 pounds during that period.

Just think where you can be in 28 days!!

Get ready to SMASH it!! 

The SMASH Way Recipe Book

Healthy Recipes

Go from cooking boring, bland, processed meals to cooking like a super chef, without spending hours in the kitchen.

The SMASH Way is packed full of healthy, nutritious and easy to cook meals that your family will love and want to eat more.  

This downloadable book and support hub is designed to make healthy cooking really easy for busy women.  

If you wish to make really tasty meals for yourself & your family, take control of your eating habits and eat delicious foods, this is for you.  

SMASH Party Food

Christmas Entertaining

Yes, that's right.  You can have Christmas Party Food that is healthy AND extremely tasty at the same time.  When you are eating the SMASH Way you never need to feel deprived when it comes to the festive season - or any season for that matter.

SMASH Way foods are created with busy mums in mind, so these recipes are all really quick and easy to make, so you can enjoy your time with your families over the holidays.

These tasty treats can be used any time that you are entertaining.  Your guest will never know that they are eating healthy treats.

Brain Health Masterclass

Brain Health is Key

The foods that we eat and the habits that we have can have a major impact on brain health. 

This SMASH Masterclass was recorded LIVE (on Zoom) so find out what you can do to help protect your brain for long term health.

There are so many easy to implement strategies in the Masterclass that you will learn, your brain will love you for attending.

Detox Masterclass

Do you need to Detox?

Detoxing is a term that is used widely in the health industry but do you really need to detox?  What do you need to detox from and what is the best way to go about doing this.

In this Masterclass you will learn about all the natural and man-made toxins that you need to be aware of so that you can lower your toxic load.

You will also learn about how to detox safely and naturally so that your body can function to the best of its ability.

The Healthy Gut

Is your gut healthy?

Did you know that most illness can be traced back to an unhealthy gut?  

The gut and the microbiome is becoming the most widely researched area of health in recent years. The advances in the information that is being made available is fascinating.

In this Masterclass you will be introduced to the important areas that you should be made aware of and how you can protect your microbiome for long term health.

Menopause Masterclass

Menopause Made Easy

Are you struggling with peri-menopause and menopause symptoms?  Are they making your life a nightmare? If so, why not come along to our Menopause Masterclass and find out how you can ease your way through this hormonal wave.

Just because hot flushes and night sweats seem to be the norm these days, it does not mean that you have to go through it too.  Take back control of your hormones

Menopause doesn't have to be a nightmare - it can be a breeze!

Natural Cleaning Masterclass

Toxin Free Cleaning

Did you know that the products that you use to clean your home could be causing you damage AND even be causing you weight gain?  

Many cleaning products on the supermarket shelves are filled with toxins that are damaging to your health and to the environment around you.  

This Masterclass will help you to know what to look out for and show you how you can clean your house naturally.

Cravings Cheat Sheet

Craving junk food?

So many women nowadays are craving foods continually and they are really hard on themselves because of this.  Many feel like a failure!

However, there is hope!

It is not that you are a failure, but that something is going on in your body to cause you to crave.  

There are any reasons why we crave things and this Cheat Sheet will let you know what they are AND give you some simple tips to overcome those cravings.

This is life changing information.

15 Reasons Why...

Get those scales moving

Are you trying to lose weight and no matter what you do, your bathroom scales will not move in the right direction?

If so, then grab this FREE Ebook and check out which of the "15 Reasons Why" your bathroom scales might be stuck.

All of these reasons can be easily addressed and you can get your scales going in the right direction again and get the results you desire.

Gratitude Workbook

Gratitude Workbook

The art of writing down what we are grateful for can bring so much calmness and peace to our lives and dramatically reduce stress levels.

A stressed body is not a healthy body and by practising daily gratitude you can change your out look in life.

Download this FREE Workbook to help you with creating this habit.  There are prompts and guidance pages to help you along the way.

This is a great introduction to the art of daily gratitude.


A SMASH Session

60 Minutes for YOU

Ready to take control of your health but you are not sure where to start?

Do you need someone to have a confidential chat with about health concerns?

Would you like an hour where you are the number 1 priority to discuss any of your current issues?

Do you need an accountability session to make sure that you are keeping on track?

This SMASH Session is perfect for you if you answered yes to any of the above questions.

These can be booked as a one off session or as a package over a number of weeks/months.

8 Week Personal 1 to 1 Coaching

Personal Coaching 

If you have been through the process of losing weight but then gaining it again and you are at the end of your tether and you don't know what to do next, this personal coaching opportunity is perfect for you.

During the 8 Weeks we will unpack your weight & health concerns and put the pieces of your health jigsaw back together again. 

This is in-depth but highly beneficial for anyone who would like to stop the perpetual yo-yo dieting and have freedom when it comes to weight management. 

By the end of the 8 weeks you will have the knowledge and understanding to live a life that is totally aligned with your goals.

8 Weeks Coaching - 30 minute sessions

30 minutes Coaching 

There is so much that can be covered in a 30 minute session with me.

These can be used as a weekly accountability session or for private question times.  The time is yours to use as you want.

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